Age spots

Remove age spots - 1

Image from ongoing user study.

Cause and removal of age spots

Hyperpigmentation of this type occurs when the natural regulatory mechanisms of the skin areas become weaker and lose their natural order, for example, in strong sunlight and at the same time a lack of antioxidant buffers.

Consequently, age spots are not dangerous as part of the natural aging process, but indicate that if these spots appear very early (from the age of 40 - 50), metabolic problems or deficiencies in important nutrients are also a factor.

Phlebolysis can usually remove these spots quickly and reliably - anesthesia is not necessary and the formation of scars or other side effects are not known, despite many documentations of the treatment.

Nevertheless, the patient should, if necessary, present himself to a causally and holistically oriented doctor in order to find the cause of the "disorder" of the skin cells.

Age spots treatment

Treatment of age spots in the practice of dr. medical Dirk Wiechert.

Two case studies:


(Pictures from ongoing user study)

Individual case reports of patients with age spots.

Example 1: History from March 12.03.2019, 30.03.2019 – March XNUMX, XNUMX.

Example 2: History from March 24.05.2021, 10.06.2021 – March XNUMX, XNUMX.

No conclusions can be drawn about the success of other treatments from these individual treatment cases.

Depending on the skin type, age and metabolism, age spots can differ visually. It is important to have it checked out by a knowledgeable doctor to ensure that there is no threatening illness.

After appropriate clarification, age spots can be treated very well in almost all cases. In consultation with the treating therapist, it can often be predicted whether multiple treatments will be necessary.

The quality of wound healing is certainly also interesting for the patient – ​​a good immune system shortens and improves the healing phases. It can therefore make sense on an individual basis to also clarify the essential factors of wound healing - for example the water balance, nutrition, the supply of important nutrients and exercise.

Even if these factors are not essential for phlebolysis, it should be in the long-term interest of the patient to optimize these factors, since they can also have a significant impact on the development of age spots.

In principle, the presentation to a holistic therapist is not absolutely necessary, but recommended if age spots appear early and excessively.

Phlebolysis has proven to be very effective in removing age spots in the ongoing user study.

Interview with Andreas Oehme, co-developer of phlebolysis.

Age spots


aphthous ulcers

Spider veins

Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome


Raised Scars


Fresh tick bites

herpes simplex


liver spots

Seborrheic keratoses




Images from ongoing user study

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